I’ve realized I am not a big enough fan of myself. Sometimes I speak haphazardly, and the other day, I said I was a horrible mom in front of all my kids. Uriah followed me into another room to let me know I’m not a horrible mom, and I needed that moment to be more aware of what I do well and how I speak to myself. Women, and people in general, can be really hard on ourselves, and we need to acknowledge what we do well so we can continue to improve ourselves! But onto the topic for today…
A few weeks ago, my parents called me and shared how they felt about a letter they found in the summer of 2004 when I was about to graduate high school and was applying to college. I share this to say that I have always been a goal-oriented person. I set goals and accomplished them, even when I was a child. I’m currently reading Real Moms…Real Jesus, and the introduction reminded me of Michael Todd’s Stride sermon series. The author talks about waking up early to spend time with the Lord and was longing for more of that time because sometimes, a child of hers will interrupt those moments. She goes on to say that Jesus understands her life and those interruptions because He too was interrupted.
In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus took time to have a conversation with a woman he was technically not supposed to be talking to in that time in history. He had a goal to be available for her, and so he took that time, just as he is understanding of our life season. Reading into that story more, it stood out to me that ministry for me is my family – my husband and children. I have always been so driven, but I acknowledge that that may not be the case these days because I lose myself in all the roles I have.
Sometimes I try to be the person I used to be and hold tightly to that girl – Yvette Givens. Now I’m Yvette Henry, and I’m not exactly sure what that version of me looks like. I thought I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but it turns out, I actually want more. It might sound bad, but it’s the truth. I want more!
I’m trying to be more available in this season because while I may have things to do like folding the laundry, I also have a little girl asking me to play with her, and I want to be available to things like that. My ministry is availability for my family.
In talking with my husband, Glen, he pointed out that I voice goals and seem to wait until he can do something about them. That struck me because that’s not who I’ve always been. But in my roles as a wife and mom, I find it hard to know what to do next. I feel like I’m not doing my part. I’m trying to find where I fit into our YouTube channel and in other goals we have for our family.
In Michael Todd’s series, he explains that God will fulfill His promises for us, but it won’t be in our time, it’ll be in His. When Jesus was in His earthly ministry, He always walked. He didn’t run, walk fast, go swiftly, etc. And because He walked, He was able to perform miracles for people along the way. I’m in a season where I am a mom, a wife, and a business partner. There are goals I have that I want to accomplish, but right now, maybe it’s time to write those things down and allow God to show me when it’s the right season. There’s so much that can come from waiting on Him.
It’s okay to walk because when you run, you may miss moments that matter more than the finish line. Walking allows you to see all the little things along the way. So be intentional with each step in your journey. Be available to see others, and not always so task driven.
Hey, hey! I'm Yvette!
I'm a thirty-four year old wife, mother of four, podcast host, and writer from San Diego, California. I'm a former math teacher turned stay-at-home parent and influencer with the unique opportunity to bring women into community with one another and encourage them in their seasons of life through my podcast, Yvette, Unplugged and my online community, Women, Unplugged.
More about me!